Tuesday 17 March 2009

Shot list of final piece By Dominic Esty- wilkinson


1. Name of Romford - Close up
police station

2. Behind the officers - Mid- Shot

3. Extreme close up on - Extreme close up
police Sergent

4. Close up on female - Close up

5. Victim 1 shown on - Close up
investigation board

6. close up on information - Close up
of the murder of victim 1

7. back to Behind the officers - Mid shot

8. Victim 2 shown on Extreme close up
investigation board-

9. close up on information - Close up
of the murder of victim 2

10. male officer looking - Close up

11. sergeant pointing to board - Establishing shot

12. foot shown with large bag - Low angle close up

13. man dragging bag aggressively Mid- shot

14. large bag being dragged - Low angle close up

15. man dragging bag - Long shot

16. question mark on board - Close up

17. question mark on board - Close up

18. missing Victim Rachel - Close up
Brooke shown on
investigation board

19. bag lying down flat along - Close up
with feet

20. man opening boot - Mid close up

21. man opening boot - Extreme close up

22. boot opening - Mid- shot

23. man grabbing bag - low angle close up

24. man lifting bag up - Mid shot

25. man putting bag in boot - Mid- shot

26. man leaving boot open - Mid- shot

27. man with flowers - long shot

28. man looking down at - high angle shot

29. man grinning at dead - close up

30. man placing flowers on - long shot

31. man placing flowers on - high angle shot

32. man walking towards button - long shot

33. man pushing button - close up

34. man looking towards door - close up

35. man releasing button - close up

36. man looking at door - close up

37. man walking away - Mid- shot

38. man's car - mid- shot

39. man's hand opening car - close up

40. man getting in cat - Mid- shot

41. man dialing number - mid shot

42. man putting phone towards ear - extreme close up

43. man throwing phone down - Mid- shot

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