Thursday 19 March 2009

The Missing Suspects Score Music

To create suspense in our thriller production we added score music from a software called VideoCoPilot which changed we use to change the atmosphere of shots. We did this by experimenting with non-deigetic sounds using FinalCutPro by adjusting the length, volume and transitions between them. The tracks we included are called Survival, Mystery, Greeble and Airplane Cabin. We chose these sounds in particular because they sounded similar to score music we had seen in films of the thriller genre; high pitched, fast pace building tension and heavy base sounding like a heartbeat. We used these sounds wisely, for example, at the beginning of the Missing Suspects thriller, we used the Mystery sound. However, we had to low the volume down as it is heard in the background as the Sergeant delivers important information to the audience. If the volume was to high, the important information wouldn't have been heard, confusing the audience later in the film. Greeble is a heavy base and has a racing tempo which we chose to include as the audience see the mysterious character dragging a body. As there is no dialogue in this part, we added this type of music to build the suspense as well as making it clear to the audience who the antagonist is.

(Alex Christian)

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