Wednesday 18 February 2009

Thriller Analysis: Memento By whole Group

Today in our lesson we are going to be writing our thriller notes of our choice we will guide you throughout for what they did to create suspense and reveal enigmas

We like the narrative twist at the end of Memento as the storyline leads you to believe different things.We, as an audience are lead to believe that he is in a position of authority. However we then realize that he is no more than a thief and a murderer. We also like the idea of having two parallel storylines,one in colour, one in black & white. This defines clearly that they are different time periods. These converge at the end bringing everything together as a narrative resolution where our enigmas are answered. We also like the idea of the reverse footage which you can see in the opening, for example when he is shaking the Polaroid, the audience thinks that he is shaking it to expose the picture when infact it is dissolving, this is metaphorical of his memory. We are considering using it, or our different film to engage audience attention, however we are considering to keep ours simple, but create a lot of suspense.

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